Propel Forward—Something is Always Going to Come Up

For four nights in a row, I walked around my house, staring at my laptop, in search of words to fill my heart with inspiration to write.

For days I kept whispering to myself, “You need to write” but each time I did, I found myself caught up in something that came up. Something like my newborn having a hard time settling to sleep or the day being exhausting from family duties. It was a great reason to pull away and make an excuse to not show up and write. I kept waiting for the perfect time and moment for me to feel ready.

In life, something is always going to come up. There is always going to be something ready to disrupt your flow. There is always going to be something standing in the way to try to stop you from being bold and courageous in what you’re called to do.

As each day went by, I became a friend to the thoughts in my mind that kept me trapped from the very thing I told myself I would do.

Does this sound familiar to you?

If we are not careful, we will spend hours, nights, and days submitting to the thoughts that keep us stuck, confused, and unfulfilled.

In those rough moments of thinking, the scripture that always sits in front of me is,

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Fear is one of the very things that comes up to prevent us from propelling forward. Fear often paints a picture of what we cannot do and makes things in front of us look like giants we can’t win over.

When fear arises, it is easy to shrink back and fall into a bubble of isolation and misery. It is easy to allow our fears to scream louder than that beautiful thing we were created to do on Earth.

When that something comes up, we get to choose how we respond to it. We get to choose if we will disconnect altogether or engage in it a fight knowing there’s something good and of value on the other side.

Most times, we get stuck and swallowed up in fear by the things we are most passionate about. It is the enemy’s strategy to keep us contained and settle for less instead of launching out fearlessly in the lane God placed before us.

What is it that is preventing you from propelling forward?

That is a question I had to ask myself. There is always something that will come up to push us away from accomplishing a goal or taking the next step of faith in the areas we are called to.

I am sure this won’t be the last time something will come up to give me a reason to shrink back. And the good news is, you don’t have to shrink back either when the fears of life look bigger than the amazing things in the journey ahead.

Propel forward friends, there is something good on the other side when we show up anyways and debunk the lie in our head of what God can’t do with the precious work He put in our hands.

You were made to propel.

So do just that.

Propel forward when fear ties to hold you bound.

Propel forward when guilt and shame try to make room in your house.

Propel forward with faith that God has established the plans and instructions for your future.

Propel forward when that something comes up to discourage you and talk you out of those amazing things you were made, called, shaped, and created to do.


Holy Ground, Home, & Housework


What if This is the Dream? Life of Growing a Family