Yes, God is in EVERY Season.

Do you ever take the time to pay attention to the changing seasons? Living in Kansas City, it is certain that each year we are going to experience all four seasons: summer, winter, spring, and fall. It is always interesting how fast Kansas City switches up the weather. One day it could be sunny and your kids don’t need a jacket at all. The next day it can swiftly change to cold rain, needing the coziest jacket and an umbrella to protect the hair from getting frizzy.

Since I was a little girl, growing up in the Midwest has always given me sight to pay attention to how the seasons change. Physically, I can see with my eyes, and I can feel with my hands the rain in the spring or the snow in the breezy winter winds. Now that I am older, I learned that seasons don’t just play a role in what we can see, but they also play a role in what we experience mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.

In the last three years of my life, I have weathered so many different seasons. I left my job to stay home full-time to raise my children. I birthed two children in a global pandemic. I have launched into new passions and spent time learning more about myself, my spouse, my kids, and others around me. Just like the weather in Kansas City, it is not always clear how seasons will unfold. Sometimes, seasons bring a lot of joy. Sometimes they bring a lot of uncertainty and hardship. But most importantly, every season brings a level of faith, at least for me it has. The kind of faith where you can “count it all joy (James 1:2)” even amidst the most difficult months, weeks, or days.

Do you see the grass growing green in your yard? Do you see patches of seeds that need to be planted to grow new areas of that yard? I watch it daily as my children storm through the dirt and glide their hands across the ground. I am sure Marquis is going to be coming home this weekend to eye the grass and examine all he has to cut.

Here is the thing about the grass in our backyard this season. There are so many beautiful areas of grass that seem to be extremely healthy. However, other areas are filled with dirt patches and weeds that have sprouted up after winter. I know when we bought this house, we knew that we would have to be intentional about building this backyard and restoring it to good health. But that is something that takes time. It is a project where we have to wait until the proper time and season to attend to it.

Life is much like my backyard at times. And maybe, your life looks like that too in certain seasons. Like the seasons when you see how much needs to grow and go. Truthfully, I am not a yard girl, but I do love nature and I know that it will take commitment for us to cultivate the home we want to experience with our kids. A home where we can rest and relax in its beauty even if every area isn’t complete.

Would you keep reading on to what I am about to write next?

Friends, God is in every season of our lives. He is with us when they change. He is with us when there is a pause and a letting go. I know for me; hard seasons can feel never-ending. It can seem like a breakthrough isn’t going to happen. It can seem like there is no other option but to give up. Don’t you know that is what the enemy wants? For you to swaddle in unbelief that the season isn’t going to change? He is such a liar and the truth is not in him. The beauty, splendor, and love of Jesus are where we find the truth about every season we face. He is interested in the details of our story and He is crafting it with His goodness.

My encouragement to you is to hold onto the truth that God is very much in every season. Rest in His incredible love and the Holy Spirit that sanctifies us as He makes all things new while we walk out of the old.

He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also put eternity in their hearts, but no one can discover the work God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and enjoy the good life. It is also the gift of God whenever anyone eats, drinks, and enjoys all his efforts. I know that everything God does will last forever; there is no adding to it or taking from it. God works so that people will be in awe of him.” Ecclesiastes 3:11-14


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