Grace, Grief, and Grandparents

Early morning on September, 6, 2020 I got that call that my grandfather went to his new Heavenly home. Our family anticipated that this time would be coming, but we just didn’t know when. It has now been a full month since my grandfather Deacon Clyde Rogers went home to be with Jesus. And although I have my random moments of grief, I thank God for grace and the legacy my grandfather left us with.

As the youngest granddaughter, I believe grieving over the loss of my grandfather hit differently for me because he was the only grandfather I knew through my childhood, teen years, and adult life. My other grandparents passed before I entered my 20s. If you have ever grieved over a loved one, you know that the precious memories randomly hit you and you miss so much about them.

My grandfather passed away at 89 years old and he was very proud to have lived a “good life”, as he would say. As I reflect on one month since my grandfather passed, I would like to share with you 10 things my grandfather taught me during his time on earth. I think it is so important to learn from those who went before us and embrace the legacy they left us with.

10 Things My Grandfather Taught Me:

1. Work hard and work diligently. The scripture that comes to my mind is, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.” (Colossians 3:23). My grandfather was a very hard worker he started working at the age of 13 years old. In his book, A Life’s Journey, he shares about his work life and how he trusted God to help provide for his family.

2. Extend grace to others. My grandfather was good at this. No matter who you were, he was very loving, caring, and welcoming to others. He was always quick to greet others with a smile and a hello, no matter who they were.

3. Build a good, healthy, and solid reputation. My grandfather was well-known in his community and the local church. His character and love for God went without question. He wore the sharpest suits, gave the best wisdom, and worked hard for the life he was able to retire from. When we get to the end of this life, we should all want to leave behind impactful footprints.

4. Serve others wholeheartedly: My grandfather loved to serve his church, community, and his family and he did it without complaint. We are commanded to serve one another. Galatians 5:13 says “For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. We can serve one another through the love of Christ. Even at the end of my grandfathers’ journey, he would try to serve others by asking them how they were doing or if they needed anything. When guests came over throughout his years of life, he would offer something to eat in his kitchen. His service to others was beyond himself.

5. Live. Don’t take your days for granted. Lean on the Lord to number your days. One of my grandfather’s favorite scripture was Psalms 90:12, “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” It is in investment to seek the Lord in every area of our lives and look to Him for wisdom to guide us through our life’s journey.

6. Value and invest in important things. My grandfather loved when it was time to gather around the holidays with family. He loved when his grandchildren invited him to special events, games, concerts, and more. He would also make an effort to attend to things that were valuable and important to him and that was family time. Life gets busy, however, we must focus on things that are of importance and value.

7. Laugh often and create experiences. My grandfather retired and was able to experience more things in his life like traveling. He has been to several places in the world and created many new memories. Sometimes we get so busy in the “busy” that we forget to create new experiences and fill our hearts with laughter and joy.

8. Don’t miss the opportunity to be present: Like I said before, my grandfather truly valued time with family. We can easily get caught up in ourselves and forget to be present with those we say we love. I am grateful to have been able to spend some quality time with my grandfather during His last days. Our family gathered around him and showered him with so much love. There is nothing greater than being present with those you love.

9. Love God with ALL your heart. Jesus said to him, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind." ((Matthew 22:37) My grandfather truly had a love for the Lord and He looked to God’s grace and mercy to carry Him through the end of his life.

10. Trust God for the outcome: During my grandfather’s last days, he was yet still so humble. He would lay in his bed and sing hymns, talk about what the good Lord has done for him, and reflect on his life. He knew that his body was slowly transitioning yet he knew His outcome was that he would be in Heaven with Jesus. Another one of my grandfather’s favorite scriptures is Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” He knew his outcome was a life in Heaven where there would be no more pain, suffering, or hospital visits. The outcome was a new Heavenly and whole body, an outcome we should all want when it is our time to go.

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."2 Timothy 4:7

Grandfather, you are missed and although grief comes, we know that God’s grace is with us and your Heavenly home is much better than this earth. Thank you for your impact, life, and legacy. Thank you for building a foundation for your family on the solid rock which allows us to stand.


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