Your Words are a God-given Gift: Start Writing

“Don’t throw away your gift of writing.” I wrote that down in my journal at the time I was seeking clarity from the Lord on how I should serve through writing. For two months, the Holy Spirit was giving me sweet whispers to exercise my gift of writing. I never verbally honed in on calling myself a writer although I spent the last seven years journaling and releasing a variety of blogs to inspire others through my words. During my college days, out of all the degrees out there, Journalism is what intrigued me the most to pursue.

For years, I believed that for anyone to call themselves a writer, a book had to be published with their name on it. Though that gives a person great credentials in their craft, I have learned that there are many ways to journey through writing.

If you want to grow and develop your voice as a writer, the hardest thing to do sometimes is simply write. There are screenwriters, journalists, bloggers, and authors that use their voices through their words to impact the lives of others around them. Writing is an essential part of our everyday lives. We spend time writing emails, notes, and documents for jobs or organizations. So why not release your passion-filled words for those who need a sense of love, hope, laughter, and vulnerability through the words you formulate?

For the person who wants to step out of the box and release the voice God has given them through words, I would say, start writing. Start writing about the things that you are most passionate about. Start writing about the vision and dreams God has given you over the years. Start writing that first sentence and overcome the barriers of not feeling ready enough.

Websites and social media aesthetics are beautiful, but the thing that is going to reach the heart of your readers, is you writing and getting their eyes to read your words. Write your story. Write your testimony. Invite others on a journey with your words. Perfection is usually the enemy that stares me in the face whenever God nudges me to do something I am uncomfortable with.

If you are ready to get uncomfortable and start growing as a writer, I suggest starting in a space that doesn’t cost you anything. Open your journal or a blank Google document that will enable you to capture the very pieces of wordy ideas that God places on your heart.

The beauty of the diversity of writers around the world is that no one is you. No one can tell the story of the words you are called to write about. No one can release the blog, children’s book, film, or devotional that you were given to write. It is only you alone that can activate your faith and put in the work for your words to come alive. No one else can share the God story of why you started and no one can complete what you are anointed and appointed to do; the ability to release those Holy Spirit-inspired words.

As you begin, you will see exactly why your words are needed. If you feel the nudge to activate your writing gift, it is time to hang up the noise and let fear know that you have arrived with some radical faith to activate the voice God has given you because there are lives attached to your obedience to simply do one thing, write.


Day 1 // Life Lessons Through Marriage: Taking Chances + Becoming


The special thing about “two” // dear simone,