Dear Grief, I Am Embracing Change in Womanhood
It is okay to grieve that we no longer want to be where we once were. It is okay to give ourselves permission to surrender grief from the things we have to let go of while the grace of God carries us to produce something more sustaining and life-giving on the other side. Remember, God will remain with us as we commit to surrendering everything that was never meant to fill us in the first place. Embrace the change.
Serving the Home with Purpose, Wisdom + Intentionality
Everyone’s family dynamic will always look different but the most important thing I want to communicate is, the Lord has blessed us abundantly to be able to serve our families with wisdom, love, intention, and care. We are held responsible and accountable to God for how we take care of what He has given us. Today, we can choose wisdom in the Lord to guard our homes, finances, fears, faith, children, workplaces, and more. Be friends with wisdom.
Hey, God Can Handle Your Insecurities.
How do I know that God can handle your insecurities? I know because he has handled every single one I have ever had. He has given me solutions to turn away from things that would cause me more pain had I not listened to His voice. In John 8: 31-32 it says, “Then Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you continue in my word, you are my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
28 Life Lessons I Have Learned Through 28 Years of Life.
Today is my 28th birthday and I took the time to write 28 life lessons that I have learned through 28 years of life. Thank You Jesus for granting me another! ⚫ Purpose will never be fulfilled if selfish ambition drives it. Each purposeful season is most meaningful with God in the center of it all.
You’re Still Sovereign: Birth Story of Simone
My favorite part of birth was pushing because I knew that the pain I was enduring was soon going to be over. With every contraction, I knew that I was one push away from holding my little girl in my arms. I know I can look back and write out things I would have done differently, but I have a toddler girl now that reminds me every day about the faithfulness, sovereignty, and strength of God that has matured my marriage and walk with Jesus.
Please, Let No One Look Down on You Because You’re Young
The truth is this, when God calls you into an assignment, He will equip you for it despite your age and the only way to see the fruit of what He has assigned to you is to obey.
Keeping Marriage Healthy After Having a Baby
Contrary to what the world says, marriages can thrive in good health after giving birth. But it takes on two people intentionally coming together to invest in the growth together as a new parent. As I know I can’t speak for everyone’s marriage, I can share insight through my own life and God’s word about ways to keep a marriage healthy directly after giving birth.
Yes, God is in EVERY Season.
Do you ever take the time to pay attention to the changing seasons? Living in Kansas City, it is certain that each year we are going to experience all four seasons: summer, winter, spring, and fall. It is always interesting how fast Kansas City switches up the weather.
What Happens When the Church Isn’t Being the Light?
In today’s culture, I understand that there are so many questions about faith. Some questions are due to the church simply not standing on being the salt and light as individuals and members. God calls Christians to be set apart, to not submit to things of the world but it hasn’t always been presented well.
When Disappointment Shapes Our Identity: Christ Can Free Us
There were so many signs that were pointing me away; one of those being the talk with my dad first, but I believed that this was the road to success in college. I thought that being known would remain. It wasn’t long before I found that this college experience is not what I intended it to be. I was ready to quit at the end of the semester and go home.